20 April 2019

Book Review // The Other Woman

Rating: 3.5/5

"HE LOVES YOU: Adam adores Emily. Emily thinks Adam’s perfect, the man she thought she’d never meet.
BUT SHE LOVES YOU NOT: Lurking in the shadows is a rival, a woman who shares a deep bond with the man she loves.
AND SHE'LL STOP AT NOTHING: Emily chose Adam, but she didn’t choose his mother Pammie. There’s nothing a mother wouldn’t do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants: Emily gone forever." -Amazon.com

What I thought about it:
The Other Woman is the perfect psychological thriller for anyone planning on having a mother in law anytime soon 😬 Just kidding! This is the in-law story from hell. Emily is put through the ringer in order to tie the knot with her fiancé Adam. 

There were a few holes for me in the plot being that no woman would allow this type of verbal and psychological abuse. No amount of love would be enough with what Emily endured. And she kept saying through it all “but I love him so much.” Cringe!! Wake up, sister! You marry the family, not just the man. 

This reminded me a crazier version of the movie “Monster In Law.” Not going to lie, I pictured Jane Fonda as Pammie. And that made it even more cringe worthy! 

My attorney husband pointed out another flaw in the plot but that would give away a spoiler! Over all, it was a quick read and I fluctuated between these emotions quite frequently 😱😬🙄😳🤯🤬 

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