27 October 2019

Book Review // How To Walk Away

Rating: 5/5

"Margaret Jacobsen is just about to step into the bright future she’s worked for so hard and so long: a new dream job, a fiancé she adores, and the promise of a picture-perfect life just around the corner. Then, suddenly, on what should have been one of the happiest days of her life, everything she worked for is taken away in a brief, tumultuous moment. 
In the hospital and forced to face the possibility that nothing will ever be the same again, Maggie must confront the unthinkable. First there is her fiancé, Chip, who wallows in self-pity while simultaneously expecting to be forgiven. Then, there's her sister Kit, who shows up after pulling a three-year vanishing act. Finally, there's Ian, her physical therapist, the one the nurses said was too tough for her. Ian, who won't let her give in to her pity, and who sees her like no one has seen her before. Sometimes the last thing you want is the one thing you need. Sometimes we all need someone to catch us when we fall. And sometimes love can find us in the least likely place we would ever expect." Amazon.com
This was exactly the type of book I needed this month! Heartbreak, humor, triumph, love, and self discovery. So many wonderful things to talk about in this book, but seriously, I’m already on the wait list for several of Katherine Center’s previous novels and I’m itching to get my hands on her latest, Things You Save In A Fire. 

I was instantly swept away. I adored it from page one. Margaret’s ups and downs and finding the will to persevere. That is one theme that I absolutely love reading about, especially in women characters. We Can Do Hard Things. We can overcome! The relationship between her and Ian was tumultuous but respectful. Of course I was rooting for them the moment they met, but I did not see the ending coming! Katherine Center writes beautifully. So much wittiness and charm. This book is a keeper. 

GET THIS BOOK NOW. (forgive me for yelling, but what are you waiting for??). You won’t be disappointed. 

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