27 October 2019

Book Review // The Things We Keep

Rating: 4/5

"Anna Forster is only thirty-eight years old, but her mind is slowly slipping away from her. Armed only with her keen wit and sharp-eyed determination, she knows that her family is doing what they believe to be best when they take her to Rosalind House, an assisted living facility. But Anna has a secret: she does not plan on staying. She also knows there's just one another resident who is her age, Luke. What she does not expect is the love that blossoms between her and Luke even as she resists her new life. As her disease steals more and more of her memory, Anna fights to hold on to what she knows, including her relationship with Luke.
Eve Bennett, suddenly thrust into the role of single mother to her bright and vivacious seven-year-old daugher, finds herself putting her culinary training to use at Rosalind house. When she meets Anna and Luke, she is moved by the bond the pair has forged. But when a tragic incident leads Anna's and Luke's families to separate them, Eve finds herself questioning what she is willing to risk to help them. Eve has her own secrets, and her own desperate circumstances that raise the stakes even higher." Amazon.com
You guys weren’t joking about The Things We Keep. My heart hurts after finishing this one. I have never read a book that so clearly paints the picture of what it might be like with someone diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It was very eye opening. And heartbreaking. And I hate Alzheimer’s so freaking much. But Hepworth was able to delicately write with humor, love, and hope.

The story backtracks 15 months from present day when Anna admits herself to Rosalind House, an assisted living facility. All the old folks try and set Anna up with Luke, the only other young person in Rosalind House. Their love story is heartbreaking, but beautiful. My only objection here is I felt like the love story was a bit long winded (and maybe not realistic?), but it was still sweet. 

The storyline I enjoyed the most was Eve. The development of her character from start to finish was incredible. She was the real phoenix rising from the ashes. I loved her story. 

This was my first of Sally Hepworth, and definitely won’t be the last. Have you read this one? Have you read her latest, The Mother-In-Law? 

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