10 January 2020

Book Review // Regretting You

*thank you BookSparks for this gifted copy!

Rating: 5/5

"Morgan Grant and her sixteen-year-old daughter, Clara, would like nothing more than to be nothing alike.
Morgan is determined to prevent her daughter from making the same mistakes she did. By getting pregnant and married way too young, Morgan put her own dreams on hold. Clara doesn’t want to follow in her mother’s footsteps. Her predictable mother doesn’t have a spontaneous bone in her body.
With warring personalities and conflicting goals, Morgan and Clara find it increasingly difficult to coexist. The only person who can bring peace to the household is Chris—Morgan’s husband, Clara’s father, and the family anchor. But that peace is shattered when Chris is involved in a tragic and questionable accident. The heartbreaking and long-lasting consequences will reach far beyond just Morgan and Clara.
While struggling to rebuild everything that crashed around them, Morgan finds comfort in the last person she expects to, and Clara turns to the one boy she’s been forbidden to see. With each passing day, new secrets, resentment, and misunderstandings make mother and daughter fall further apart. So far apart, it might be impossible for them to ever fall back together." Amazon.com

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Regretting You might have inched its way into my Top 10 Books of 2019. I knew nothing about this book going in except EmeryReads and Lauralovestoread gave it 5 stars so I had some hope that I would probably like it. 

I LOVED IT. This book touched on so many different and complex themes that it really came full circle for me. Heartbreaking betrayal, discovering love again, a brilliant mother-daughter relationship, new beginnings, lessons of devotion, and a splash of YA teen romance. The pace of the chapters was perfect, the alternating POV kept it interesting, and the pulling-at-the-heartstrings made you just want the best for everyone!

I don’t want to say too much about the plot because going in blind might be the best option. All I know is that my heart was feeling it when reading the story of Morgan and Clara (mother-daughter). I EVEN TEARED UP AT THE END. I cannot remember the last time I actually cried while reading a book. Which is so funny because I’m a highly sensitive person and typically cry when the emotions are running high (excited, joyful, sad, overwhelmed, scared, or full of rage). (Like at a haunted house=cry. My sister surprising me by flying in for Christmas to be together=cry. A heated argument with anyone who crosses me=cry). 

But I digress. Please add this to your list for 2020 and report back. I hate hyping up a book, but this worth the risk! 

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